
Find my CV here.


UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON . Ph.D. in Economics. Houston, Texas. 2023

UNIVERSIDAD DE SAN ANDRÉS. Master in Economics (thesis pending). School of Economics. Buenos Aires, Argentina. December 2012. 

PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA DEL PERÚ. Licentiate in Economics. School of Social Sciences. Lima, Peru. June, 2015. Thesis title: “Intervenciones cambiarias esterilizadas, presiones apreciatorias y metas explícitas de inflación: evidencia para Perú entre 2006 y 2008”. 


TECNOLÓGICO DE MONTERREY. Assistant Professor. Department of Economics. Monterrey, Mexico. Since July 2023.

RESEARCH INSTITUTE IN ECONOMICS AND FINANCE. Director of Summer School. Since June 2023.


HOBBY SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS. Research Assistant. Department of Economics. Houston (TX), USA. August 2020 - May 2023.

UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON. Teaching Assistant. Department of Economics. Houston (TX), USA. August 2020 - May 2023.

INTER/AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (IADB). Research Fellow. Research Department. Supervisor: Eduardo Fernández-Arias and Andrés Fernández. Washington (DC), USA. October 2015 – June 2017.

MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA Y FINANZAS (MEF) . Senior Analyst – Research on fiscal policy topics. Research Department - General Department of Macroeconomic Policy. Lima, Peru. June 2013 – September 2015. 

UNIVERSIDAD PERUANA DE CIENCIAS APLICADAS (UPC). Part-time Lecturer. School of Economics. August 2009 – December 2014. Coordinator. School of Economics. Responsible for syllabus enhancement, supervision of application of active-learning methodology in classes, and training of newly-hired professors in the Economics and Finance program. March 2011-March 2012. Thesis advisor of four thesis projects: School of Economics.  March 2014 – December 2014. Topics: financial access and growth; monetary policy instruments; external shocks and fundamentals; fiscal policy and poverty. Three theses got the highest grades in the whole section. One thesis was later awarded as first place in the 2014/2015 Research Contest for Young Economists “Luis Felipe de las Casas Grieve”, organized by the Central Bank of Peru.